Konga Verified Blogger

Tuesday 25 August 2015


Hmmmm, Nigerian models, are you seeing what I am seeing? have you noticed the new wave amongst photographers nowadays? photographers iyaf vex oooo, why?? They say they do not want to be doing free test shoots for models again. The last test shoot I did, the photographer vex oooo, he said he is not doing free test shoot for any model again, that Nigeria models do not appreciate his work. I kind of understand him tho, let’s Look at it at from the point of view of these photographers, do you know how much photography training cost? do you know how much it costs to get a good camera and photography equipments? do you know how much it takes to set up a studio? Apart from that, these photographers have bills to pay, see Mr Paul Ukonu now, he just got married, when the babies start coming, he will have more mouths to feed, so I kind of understand them when they insist on no pay, no work. So models, when next you want to ask a photographer for a shoot, do it with sense, ask him how much he will charge, tell him your budget no matter how small or mearge it looks or sound, photographers will always work out something, models and photographers have been padis for years, they can’t do without each other, they need us as much as we need them, so be polite, respectful and serious minded, and never tell a photographer to shoot you for free in exchange of you promoting the photographer. Please this doesn’t apply to upcoming photographers that just discovered the passion for photography, you constantly need to get and ask models to shoot with you in order to perfect your craft.

Now, to the story of the day, Nigerian Models, don’t you think it is high time we followed in the footsteps of these photographers. It seems this problem is going on too long and nobody is saying anything about it. Models are underestimated, underpaid, not appreciated, manipulated, not accorded their dues and the respect they deserve. Don’t you think it is high time we put an end to this nonsense.

There is this popular believe that as an upcoming model, you should try and do free jobs so you can get more exposure and experience, but you model that is doing this free job to get more exposure and experience, dont you have needs? will these exposure and experience cater for your needs? I have talked about getting a portfolio before on this blog, if you keep doing free jobs in order for you to get exposure or experience, how will you get money to get a portfolio done which is quite expensive. To do ordinary Zed card sef is 15k. Do you know what I think, I think if models should be paid according to their expertise and experience, I feel amateur models should be paid 10k to 15k and professional models should be paid 60k upwards. Even the 10 15k is not enough, if you calculate all the expenes you incur. First you use your money for transport fare to the place of casting, if you are picked, you have to come to a certain place for fitting, on the day of the show, you use your money to enter transport and after the show, they dont even make arrangements to take you back home, you have to hire a taxi to take you back home. So you see models, we need to think hard and fast.

We models work in the entertainment industry, we work in the fashion industry, we work in the telecommunications industry and these are the places where money is, but we models are underpaid for the jobs we do to promote and advertise their products, why is it so?

Believe me or not, Models do most of the work at a fashion show, do you know what it means to walk on a 6 inch heels, down a long runway for hours, while the fashion designers just hang the outfits on us like mannequins and we help them showcase their works on the runway, but we are paid little or nothing. I remember a fashion show casting I went for last year, the casting director said it frankly and as a matter of fact without any remorse that the amount to be paid for so so so so show is 5k. I’m like what?? Is that how to talk to people you want to work for you despite the fact that they are going to be paid little. I thought about it and I’m like its not the casting director's fault, it is we models. There are so many models out there who know their worth, have standards, won't settle for less and will never do free jobs, but their are some mumu and hungry-for-fame models that need to be slapped with a chair who will accept to do a free job joyfully, i want to believe these models are Otedola’s children to want to be doing free jobs and shows with their  whole heart.

 If we know the kind of power we models wield, we will get our stuffs together and be serious. If we models agree not to work for a month and see what will happen, the fashion industry will crash, organisers of fashion shows will go hungry, their won’t be enough sales for fashion designers , even the photographers that are forming ‘no more free test shoot' will feel the impact. Nigerian models, we need to start appreciating ourselves and give ourselves standards. We cant allow organisers of fashion shows, companies, designers, and all other relevant stakeholders use us as horses and exploit us while we sit and watch. The solution is if we come together in one accord and agree that the relevant stakeholders do not treat us the way they want and pay us well, if they refuse to pay us well, we will not work.

Can you imagine going for a casting for a fashion show with your own transport fare, in Lagos traffic, waking up early to be among the first timers and the casting director tells you, if you can't accept the money, leave. I’m not condemning anyone who has done free jobs or shows in the past, I know now you have learnt your lesson seeing the way you have been treated and how you have been explioted and will never let history repeat itself, all I’m saying is enough is enough, we models are not slaves, we have needs too, we need money to eat good food, to keep fit, to do our exercise, to develop our portfolio, we need money to take care of ourselves, we need money to buy a pair of  black 6 inch heels  because the one we are using is already getting spoilt, we need money to come to your casting, so please try and respect us and stop treating us as slaves, stop cheating us because you think the modelling industry in Nigeria is still growing. Sooo if Nigeria is a developing country, does that mean our industry should be developing too. Oh ho. Let me ask you this question, these fashion designers you work for, do you think they can let you get their clothes for free, nono!! You have to pay for it, the same way they have to pay for your services. So models, I implore you next time, if you go for a casting and they tell you you are not going to be paid, or the amount you will be paid is too little, please kindly tell them to keep their job, thank you, you are not a slave, you have needs to be met. If 10 models tell them the same thing, they will see that ah! This models have woken from their slumber, so they will treat you well and negotiate price.


  1. You nailed this one bae... You'v said it all and i support that. Thumbs up to you Jane (y) (y) (y) #Aidx

  2. Wow I really love this post....thanks so much for this dearest

  3. Thanks so much for this🥹🥹
