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Monday 7 September 2015

Nigerian Models Are Not Slaves, We Are Special Beings 2

Hello Everyone, guess who is back again. hope you all are doing good? Not had time to post recently, but yay!! I'm back.
I hope you guys learnt from my last post and gained something meaningful. This post is actually a continuation of my last post. Basically I'm going to talk about how models can work together and individually to change how we are being treated in Nigeria. My suggestion is open to more suggestions so please drop your comments or send a mail to modelsdiarys@gmail.com. 

I believe we models in Nigeria are being cheated on and treated unfairly for years now. Many models have different stories to tell when it comes to that. The last model's workshop I attended, one of the facilitators was talking about this problem most models face in Nigeria and said there is a plan to create a union, there were so many attempts in the past. Really I believe we don’t have to wait to create a union, we can bring that change to ourselves starting from each model individually. So due to the rush work I did when writing my last post, I'm going to expatiate more on my last post and probably profer solutions and give suggestions.

(1.) We models in Nigeria should create a forum were we can all come together and talk about the problems facing the modelling industry. This forum can be in form of a community, a meeting or any other way. We put heads together, bring up suggestion and discussion, set out our terms and conditions in clear terms and distribute a circular to the relevant stakeholders involved. This way, we can make a headway.

(2.) Models should go on strike(if you all feel it is a good idea). The Nigerian Labour Congress when they want to pass across a message as to certain issues, after discussions with the relevant bodies in charge and their needs are not met, they go on industrial strikes. We as models are part of the labour force in Nigeria, we are guaranteed the freedom to peaceful protest and industrial action under the 1999 constitution(talking like a lawyer already). We should all come together and agree cooperate not to work for a month. This way, the relevant stakeholders will feel our impact and know our worth. The fashion designers who treat you and talk to you anyhow they want because they feel they are doing you a favour by letting you wear their outfit will treat you nicely, the agency you are signed with who are not representing you well and cheating you because they feel they are doing you a favour getting you these jobs and giving you such ridiculous amount of money, will start treating you nicely, fashion shows who get you all worked up like a horse despite the fact that they are paying you so little will even send you an apology letter for treating you the way they did. This strike I'm talking about is about passing across a message to the relevant bodies that we models deserves to be treated right because we are also human beings with feelings, needs and emotions. They won't like it if they are being treated the way they treat us. We models have a right not to be discriminated on the basis of circumstances but we have a right to equal treatment.

(3.) As a model, you need to have the right mind-set. The message I'm trying to pass across to you is that be positive in everything you do. Remove all negative energy around you. I go to a church were we are taught positivity, everything you say to yourself and you think of is what will happen to you. For example, if someone tells you that being a model in Nigeria is hard, you will be paid little compared to the work you do, you will face so many challenges as a model in Nigeria, which is true, but a model with a positive mind-set won't go back home and start thinking ‘ahhh, someone told me that modelling in Nigeria is hard, ahhh someone told me that I may not make it as a model, ahha someone told me as a model in Nigeria, I will be paid little, can I make it as a model like this?? My dear you might not make it oooo with that type of mind-set because modelling is not for the faint hearted. A model with a positive mind-set will go home, think about modelling in Nigeria in a positive way, will say to himself although it is true that modelling in Nigeria is hard, I will make it if I just push and work harder, a model with a positive mind-set will go home and make a plan on ways he can break barriers. A model with a positive mind-set will go home and look for ways to prepare himself for the challenges he might face. A very popular example my pastor cites is that, you hear in the news that the price of dollar has increased, the economy of Nigeria will soon crash(God forbid), there is low demand for oil in the international market etc. As a model, how those that affect you and your work?? How does low demand for crude oil in the international market affect you?? But you know some models, they will think about this matter even more than the government who it concerns, they will take paracetamol for someone else's headache. What they don't know is that the more they think about it, they have the mind-set already and it starts manifesting in their life. Such model will go around with this mind-set that 'ah since the economic situation in Nigeria is really bad and these are hard times, money is hard to find, let me just manage this 5k this guy is offering me for the job at least it is still something. If you go on in life with this kind of mind-set, all your life, you will be a kobo kobo model. See Bolu Benson, he said he has never done a free or mediocre job before, that is because he had the right mind-set, set the goal and now he is a top model. Let us say he too was among the category of models who believe let me do free jobs jare, the economic situation is hard, do you think he will be where he is now? And can you see how the mind-set is manifesting positively in his life, he has been rejected for a modelling job just once. Do you guys get my point.

(4.)Set your standards. Two years ago when my passion for modelling was still hot(it is still hot tho). I met this lady who is also a model and who always encouraged me and gave me that moral support even when so many models tell me I may not make it as a model. She gave me some advice generally and one of such advice is as a model, you need to have standards. Do not let anyone force you into doing what you don't want to do. As models in Nigeria, we need to set our/a standard individually and as a group. One of the main problem in the modelling industry is that there are more models who want to work for free than those who want to be paid well for the work they do which shouldn't be so. We are adults, we shouldn't let anyone take advantage of us and use us the way they like. If we set our standards as models collectively, I think we will be taken seriously. Let us have our own laws, let us have our rules and regulations, let us have our terms and conditions which every one who wants to work with us abide with. It is high time we started working professionally. We can start by agreeing collectively that no model in Nigeria shall accept less than 20,000 naira for a job depending on the client and work. We can agree as models in Nigeria that we are not doing free or cheap jobs again. Then models individually should agree that OK, since this is the limit set my models, let me up the ante a little bit, let me charge this amount for this job. If you are signed under an agency, talk to your agent, tell them this is what you set for yourself, tell them to support you because you guys are helping each other. An agent who has your interest at heart will support your decision. I'm not saying you should go and meet your agent that as from now on, you want to be paid 100,000 for every job. Just set a meeting with your agent and tell them ‘I have decided that as from now on, the least I will be collecting for any job as a model is 30,000’. Or in a better way, every other model who you are signed under the same agency with, call them together, have a meeting, you guys should set your standards and pass it on to your agency collectively. But you know the annoying thing about some models, after reading this they will still be satisfied with that 5,000 job they are doing because they believe if they don’t, there are 50 other models that will accept the job joyfully. Must you be that type of model?? Don’t you need money to create your portfolio?? Don’t you need money to take care of yourself?? Don’t you want to make millions out of modelling?? Don’t you have plans for the future?? if you are that type of model please shift and don’t transfer your ill luck on serious models who want to make money and get paid for the job. You guys should know that modelling is a career, a profession, it is not a hobby, you should get paid for what you do. That is the difference between a profession and a hobby. It is only models who see modelling as an hobby to do for fun that will settle for less than they deserve. If you belong to that category of models, this post is not meant for you. I'm talking to models who are tired of given a choice of either doing a free job or letting the next person do it. As a model in Nigeria, set your standard, let people see you as a model who should not be taken for granted. Be a bankable model not a kobo kobo model. Let people see you as a model that although she takes her modelling career seriously, she as well doesn't joke with her money. This also applies to having the right mind-set. As a model, as from today after reading this post, say to yourself 'as from now on I won't collect less than so so so so for this job.' When anyone approaches you for a cheap or free job, tell them ‘no, I cannot collect such amount you are offering me, this is how much I charge, I can’t settle for less, if you think I’m too expensive and you cant afford me, please kindly ask another model'. Hold up a sec tho, I'm not saying that a photographer approaches you for a shoot and you charge exorbitant prices. Please don't oooo. Photographers have really helped so many models in Nigeria, so be nicer because not only you get the chance of doing a shoot without paying a dime, you get your pictures which you add to your portfolio. So please do not charge photographers too much when they ask you to come shoot with you. For upcoming models, don't ask a photographer to pay you when he approaches you for  shoot. Subsequently, you start asking for pay because an upcoming model, whether you like it or not, a photographer is needed to kick-start your career.

(5.) Do not be a fool. Have you guys noticed the new trend, where you are asked to come and register to work for a show. Two years ago, I fell to that kind of trick. There was this fashion show coming up, and the organiser, told us to pay 1k each to register for the job. After paying the 1k, we were asked to audition for the job. At the end of the day, less than half of the models who paid were not picked. We were been swindled of our hard earned money. This person I’m talking about is kind of popular. He owns an agency, a magazine, the name of the magazine starts with the letter C, his own name starts with letter N. The name of the fashion show starts with G. If you are reading this, don’t think I have not forgotten how you made me part with my 1000naira in the hopes that I will get the job. Hmmmm, there are so many models who were even asked to pay and even paid more than that. If you are one of these models, once bitten, twice shy, ‘open ya eyes', this is Nigeria, everyone is looking for ways to make money and one of such ways is through fraud. This is 2015, open your eyes wide. This year, a fashion show asked models to come and pay 2000naira for registration. I called the fashion show organiser even though I wasn’t interested in doing the job that why I’m I paying to work for you. He said there are so many benefits attached to working for the show. He said Beth Model Management and Isis Model Management are going to be there to scout for models of which if I had even called Mrs Joan Okorodudu then to ask her if it is true she is going to be at so so so fashion show to scout for models, she might not be aware of that, but there was no need doing that. The gist of what I’m saying is not to pay to work for any show. They should pay you, not the other way round. Don’t say ‘let me do it so I can get the pictures’(very common slang we models enjoy using), do you know as a model, you need to do a new shoot every 3 to 4 months. The pictures will expire, then you will be left with nothing but pains in your legs and no money in your wallet while the organisers are smiling all the way to the bank and even call you fools on top the money you paid. Please be sharp and smart. You are not an NGO, you are a model and as a model take your work seriously so people will take you seriously.

I think that will be all for now, thanks for reading till the end even though the post is quite long. There is an audition today at 7 salvation road Opebi, Ikeja, Lagos by 9:30am. Please be there. Watch out for my subsequent post. Thanks.

Photo source: urbanrocnigeria.

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