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Thursday 16 July 2015

Modelling Tips by Asiko_artist

I was going through Instagram I saw this post, then I thought I should share this with you. A Modelling tip by Ade okelarin. Ade Okelarin is a London based photographer and Art director. He shared this very helpful tip for models.

Notes for models

A few notes for the beautiful girls who stand in front cameras and give a part of themselves, I salute you all

1.  Clean skin; here’s a secret, I hate using Photoshop to sort out skin issues, it’s tasking. If you don’t have genuine skin problems, please be nice to your photographer and get loads of sleep, wash and moisturise and keep your skin looking good. Your physical appearance is your CV, so take good care of it.

2.  Wash up; Have a wash on the day of the shoot, stylists, makeup artists and hair stylists are going to prodding around your body all day long. Nobody likes a smelly nelly.

3.  Brief; Depending on the idea for the shoot, groom body areas like nails or body hairs; it saves a lot of time on the day.

4.  Food; Bring along some healthy snacks and water to keep your energy and spirits up through the shoot. The silly photographer or whoever is running the shoot may forget to get food for the day.

5.  Always have a pair of nude and black underwear, a strapless bra is a must in your hand bag. Having a pair of heels doesn’t hurt either.

So models, for your next shoot, make sure you have all these in mind. This is a photographer telling you what he expect from you as a model. You can follow him on instagram @asiko_artist or visit his website www.asiko.co.uk

Source: Asiko_Artist Instagram

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