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Wednesday 1 July 2015

The Model's Workshop Highlights - Session 6

Good Morning Models, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post. Today the  facilitator I am going to talk about is Isio Wanoghue.


 Isio Wanogho is a top model and the brand ambassador of DIESEL. She is also a columnist for Bella Naija, painter and Interior architect. She has been modelling for 14 years.

She talked about Models as Brand Ambassador. As a model, you have to transcend to being a brand ambassador.
Then she asked some questions:
(1.) Why are you here?
(2.) Why do you want to be a model?
(3.) What kind of model do you want to be?
There are different kinds of modelling in Nigeria. Being a brand ambassador is an end game. Being a model/brand ambassador means there is no limitation.

Back in the days, she was an usher/hostess and it helped. As an usher, you get invited to events you normally won't be able to go to. You meet people and connect.
Being a model includes having ethnics, not just looks. It is one thing to be a model and another thing to be bankable

She talked about promotional models. Promotional models are models that do jobs that we all know as activation job for companies, brands, e.t.c. They shouldn't be mistaken for brand ambassadors. People who fit into a specific requirement for a brand are brand ambassadors. Brand ambassadors are looked at as the face of the brand. The face the company puts out to the public to represent them as their brand represenrative. 

The difference between promotional models and dancers employed by companies who you see dance to music when a company is doing this roadside advert with their vans packed by the street and Oluchi Orlandi who is a model and the brand ambassador for RECARE is that models who are brand ambassadors are booked while promotional models are paid to do a particular job for a time. Brands don't stay with promo models for long unlike brand ambassadors. When you become a brand ambassador, you become a celeb who represents the company. 

Also modelling should not be seen as a hobby.  There is a difference between modelling as a career and modelling for passing time. Its not about being pretty, you need to be bankable. Invest in yourself.

Tips & Tricks
(1.) Be passionate about modelling. Study existing models. Try and understand what makes these models succeed. Discover who you are and your limitations. You can't be a fashion model if you are a size 12. Try and make the necessary sacrifice. Work out if needed. Focus on necessary things.

(2.) You need to be yourself. Don't be a copy of the model you are studying. Need to understand that these people have their own methods. Originality is a fantastic criteria to be a Brand Ambassador. No one can be you and do what you do. They dont have your background, knowledge, e.t.c. Do not feel intimidated when you are in the midst of top models as an aspiring model.

(3.) Be consistent with your image and body, don't be slim today and add more weight the same day. Do not be on a particular hair today then do something else tomorrow. Be consistent, don't say because your friend did something today, you try that tomorrow. Everybodys race is different.

(4.) It is very important to avoid unnecessary conflict and online drama. Do not throw shades at people and start online drama, it might backfire. When you are at a shoot or fashion show, avoid drama and face your business.

(5.) Network: Associate yourself with the right people. Don't be a social climber, pay attention to your end game. Don't be with your friends and people you are familiar with all the time. Be friends with people in the corporate world, step out of your comfort zone.

(6.) Be patient, success doesn't come in a day. Don't listen to other's success stories, people cook up stories, run your own race.

(7.) You need to be ready at all times and vast. Interact with intellectual and political minds. Know a little about everything. Everytime she is asked to be a brand ambassador, it is always in a formal setting.

(8.) You need to acquire education. As a Brand Ambassador, that is a plus.

(9.) As a model, your portfolio needs to be updated. Don't restrict yourself to the Nigerian standard of being model. Your work should be comparable with other counterparts the world over.

Final words, every model has once be turned down, it is very ok. You need to listen to constructive criticism. You don't need to change your whole life to fit into a role. Although there are a lot of politics which goes on in modelling, do not be discouraged.

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