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Thursday 24 September 2015

Casting for The Lagos Fashion And Design Week 2015

The Lagos Fashion and Design Week is here again and runway models are needed for the show.

Casting Details.
Date: 30th September 2015
Time: 9:00 am to 2:00 p.m
Venue: Social Place. 33 Sinari Daranijo, V.I.

Minimum height for male models is 6ft, while that for female models is 5'9. Female models are expected to come wearing a tank top and leggings with a minimum of 4 inches heel, no wedges allowed.

When Applying To An Agency

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed and learnt from my last two posts. Happy Sallah to you my Muslim brother and sisters.

Well now that you have information about agencies you will like to join, so how do you present yourself the right way to this agency. Although as a Model, there are some physical qualities you have to possess, but personality also matters. First impression matters. Everywhere you go, you have to be memorable. For you to be a good model, you need to act like a model, walk like a model, talk like a model, behave like a model because everyone is watching if you dont know.
 Now im going to be giving some tips on how to present yourself to an agency. First of all, send a mail to the agency and introduce yourself, tell them a little bit about yourself and why you want to join the agency. The agency will reply you by telling you to send your pictures and stats. I will advise you to

 (1.) Send a studio unedited headshot where you have no makeup on, no sun shades, no hat,  if possible no hair extensions or attachment or coloured hair, wearing a white or black tanktop or round neck for the guys and a plain studio background. The agency must first of all see you plain and see the real you.
(2.) Send any other pictures, your portfolio, your zed card, professional pictures, studio edited pictures but not camera pictures.
(3.) Let the pictures be followed with your stats in this manner:

Eye colour
Hair colour
Dress size
Shoe size
Any piercing
Jobs done(if none, simply put N/A)

If the agency likes you, you may be called to come to their office for an appointment. When you are going, you have to look like a Model. Wear a white or black tank top on a skinny jeans with your black heels along with your portfolio with no makeup and no hair extensions and attachments if possible. For the guys, wear a white or black round neck top with jeans and shoes and shave. When you get there, be filled with confidence, make sure you smile, greet everyone you meet, be polite and say Thank you where necessary. Introduce yourself with a smile and be memorable.

Next, I'm going to talk about modelling contracts and the relationship between a Model and agency. So please stay tuned.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Fake Modelling Agencies and Scams you need to avoid 2

Hey guys, how are you?? So today, I’m going to talk about modelling agencies, fake modelling agencies and modelling scams, how to spot them and also a list of reputable modelling agencies in Nigeria. But before that, two top Nigerian models are celebrating their birthdays to day. Angela Philips and Claudia Adelu. Happy Birthday to them.

Before I go on, I’m going to talk about my own experience, not really an experience, but someone tried to play a fast one on me. One day, I got a message on Facebook from a certain guy that says, hi, I like your looks, please add me up, I have a job for you. When I saw the message, I’m like hmmm, this looks like a scammer, but let me play along just for the fun. I added him two days later and we started talking. He said hi, my name so so so so, I like your looks. He said he had a job for me, one a pz job, a calendar job and a magazine job. He said because I’m not under his agency, I am going to pay 15k before he can give me a brief of the job, but because he likes my looks, I can pay 8,000 then later, I will pay up. I should come to his office first so we can talk more about it. So I decided to ask him some questions which I believe every Model should ask when an unknown agency is asking them to sign under them and pay registration fee. I asked him if he had an office address, he said yes at Onipanu. OK what of the agency's social media accounts and website, he gave me one website like that that doesn’t even bear the agency's name. Then I proceeded to ask him about the models signed under him, what jobs have they done. He said is this some kind of interrogation. I said no, if I’m going to pay for registration to join an agency, I have to know the agency I want to sign with. He said he is not a scammer that he has been operating since 2010, he is not like the shouters like Beth and Isis that there are some coded agencies, he is coded. I’m like oooo, you are not shouters like Isis and Beth, but you don’t seem to remember the jobs your models have done. He was trying so hard to persuade me that he is not a scam, he said there are so many scammers out there, i should come to his office so we can talk more and give me the brief blah, blah, blah, but naa, I’m smarter than that.

You see the thing about these people is they are trained to sound convincing, they will say anything just to make you want to work with them, they sound so convincing and if you are not careful, you might fall for their tactics. So anytime an agency you have not heard of or anyone who calls himself an agent asks you to come and sign under their agency, asks them these questions.
(1.) Their history. If they are registered, when they started business, how many models are signed under them.
(2.) Their contact details. That doesn’t mean phone number or bbm contact alone, it should include their office address, their website, social media accounts, Instagram, Facebook, twitter and so on.
(3.) Ask them what jobs they have booked for their models and ask for pictures.

After the whole interrogation like the guy called it, then do your own investigations. Google is a big gossip. Check Google. Google tells you the life history of a person or business so far it is on the web. If you don’t see anything about them not even on blogs or a website which links them, huh huh?? Time to run, even if you see their Facebook address alone. The office address you were given, go there yourself one day without notice, see if it is truly an office or not. When you get there, ask people around what they do there. You understand, just be an FBI agent. Verify their claims. Well for agencies who claim they are new, do not pay them agency fees, they might be fraudulent and may run away with your money. Just wait till when they are settled, they have a website even if it is under construction, they have an office address and they are in full operation.
So I’m going to be talking about agency fees. Please under no circumstance must you pay any amount of money to join an agency. If they really believe in you, they should invest in you, but don't expect them to give you transport fare to castings, except you guys have agreed that the transport fare will be deducted from your pay. So when they start getting you jobs, they get back the money invested in you from the pay you get from the jobs done. I once saw it on Facebook that do artiste pay to get signed under a record label, so also models, do not pay to join an agency. If they are truly capable of getting you jobs of which they will get their percentage from the pay, so why should you pay them to get you these jobs. I know some people believe that hmm that the agency have to get you a trainer and also create a portfolio for you so you should pay registration fees, I have said it in an earlier post, you don’t have to wait for an agency to create a portfolio for you, create your own portfolio. You know what, except if you are scouted by an agency, I believe any Model who intends to sign under an agency should first undergo personal training. Shoot with photographers, get professional pictures, if you can’t afford a personal trainer, try and learn how to catwalk yourself, go on youtube, download and watch videos on how to walk on the runway instead of downloading videos on how to twerk and squatt. Train yourself, be well packaged, have some professional pictures before you approach an agency that you want to sign under. If the agent approaches you by themselves and tells you he/she likes you and will want you to sign under their agency, that means they believe in you and they should invest in you then, so they shouldn’t be asking you to pay for agency fees because they will still get their percentage once the jobs start coming in. Or haven’t you guys heard of agencies that tell their models to pay fees for registration and portfolio and after the portfolio is done, they don’t release the portfolio to the Model even when the portfolio was paid for by the Model? You guys have to be smart and proactive.

Another thing is you have to be careful of people who use other people's name or brand/business name. Like the story I shared in my last post of the two people who lied that they are top models under Modela Agency and ended up duping models of the sum of 80k each. If anyone tells you they work with Isis, Beth or any other agency and wants you to come and pay before you join such agency, contact these agency on Facebook, if they don't reply, send them a message on Instagram, if they still don't reply, ask models around. Please this is Nigeria, open ya eyes, everyone is looking for ways to make money whichever way they can, don't be a 'mumu,' this is 2015. Be careful. So I'm going to put up a list of reputable agencies in Nigeria you can join.

(1.) Few Model Management. Email: fewmanagement@gmail.com
(2.) Zahara Model Management. Email: info@zaharamodels.com
(3.) Mahogany Model Management. Email: info@mahoganymodelmanagement.com
(4.) Beth Model Management Africa. Email: info@bethmodelafrica.com
(5.)  Pages Modelling agency. Email: pagesmodels@gmail.com
(6.) XA International. Email: ovoface@yahoo.com
(7.) Isis Modelling agency. Email: isismodels@yahoo.com
(8.) Pillars & Pride of Africa. Email: info@prideofafrika.com
(9.) Erigks modelling agency. Email: erigksmodels@yahoo.com
(10.) Hues and Shades.

There are also other reputable and legit modelling agencies out there that are not listed here That I honestly do not know of, but put that aside, if you have any agency in mind you want to join, make sure you do your research and homework first before you join, ask other models you know about the agency you intend to join, trust me, you will get the information you need. If any agency or agent approaches you that they want you to be a Model signed under their agency, well why not, ask them the three questions mentioned earlier politely and do your own research. In my next post, I'm going to talk about what you should send to the email of an agency you intend to join. So till then, have a fruitful week.

I think that will be all for now, thanks for reading

Sunday 20 September 2015

Fake Modelling Agencies and Modelling Scams You Need To Avoid 1

Hey all?? How is your weekend?? Mine is going well.

Today, I'm going to talk about one of the problems most models face in Nigeria, modelling agencies. I mean fake modelling agencies and modelling scams. I know as an upcoming model, you are so passionate about modelling and you try to look for ways and avenues to make it as a model, I understand that feeling, I was once down that lane. But you need to be careful, I mean very careful. I don't want this post to be a rush work, I want you guys to enjoy it and learn a lot from it, so I did my research and asked models to share their experiences with fake agencies and modelling scams. Well some said they have had no experience so far(lucky you), some were reluctant to talk, some wanted their names mentioned and some did not because they felt it will be "bad business"for them(whatever that is). There are so many fake agencies nowadays and scammers who are looking for models to dupe and exploit. I bet you guys know this already. So I'm going to talk about how to spot this fake agencies or scammers, but first let me share these experiences I gathered from them so you don't make this little mistakes and fall into their traps.

The first on the list is Adeniran Olamilekan Adeywealth, he says "The name of the so-called agency is "pa............." They called for an audition. My friend and I were so happy because we were made known that the agency is in conjunction with Kanu Nwankwor (the footballer) or better still, he owns the agency. After been screened by some personalities like Y........ (a media personality) who was among the judges, I was really wowed that they are for real. A message was sent to those of us that were scouted by the agency and I was like this is going to be a great opportunity for me as an upcoming model. A week later, we were sent a text message to come for a briefing. When we(the models) got there, they started on a good ground by telling us the benefits we will enjoy by joining the agency. We were asked to pay a sum of 10,000 naira for registration. So many models flared up, both the experienced and inexperienced. So may questions were thrown like how are we so sure we are going to get the jobs, blah blah blah, they tried to convince us. But because it is the first time an agency is scouting me, I was really enthusiastic, I gave in to their tricks and payed for the registration and also persuaded other models to pay for the registration. After payment, they called us for grooming, after grooming, the three weeks that followed was full of cock and bull stories. Later I stopped getting messages from them. I contacted a guy who was introduced to us as the manager, he said he doesn't work with them anymore because of remuneration issues. Till this moment, no job, no photo shoot, that was the last we heard from them. What i want other models to learn from this is that they should do their homework so that they don't fall into wrong hands. Also no genuine modelling agency will ask you to pay any fees before giving you jobs, since they are really interested in you. Note: this can be avoided when you are scouted during open casting calls. thank you." You know the funny thing about his story, the name of the agency. I intend not to mention the name of the agencies involved but i need to tell you this. The name of the agency is *drum roll* Papilo Modelling Agency. hahahahaha. What kind of name is that?? Papillo?? If i was in his shoes, i would have suspected foul play from the beginning especially when I am told Kanu Nwankwor owns the agency. Kanu Nwankwor ke?? own a modelling agency ke? that is ultra vires, going outside the objects of the articles and memorandum of association(I'm sorry, just talked like a lawyer). But how and why will Kanu Nwankwor want to own an agency?? He is a big footballer and a rich one for that matter, so what business does he have in owning an agency when the money he can get by owning a modelling agency is little compared to what he gets as a footballer. The morale of his story is people use other people's name to dupe models, so please be careful. I will talk about that later. Lets go to the next.

This guy's name is Timi, he says, "then when i was looking for agencies to join as a new model, I saw a message on Facebook about new models needed to sign under an agency. I went for the casting and I was picked, I was really happy. Later, we(models selected) were told to pay a sum of 8,500naira for "proper registration" and for photo shoots. After payment, we models were asked to come to a studio at Ikeja. On getting there, it was a clubhouse(ghen ghen), in short, there was no studio. We called the number we were given, it was switched off. The name of the agency is McModelz". Hmm another funny agency name. I'm not saying you should judge by agency name, in law, we were taught registration of business names, I'm sure there are some names the registrar of business names will be unwillingly to register even if the name has passed the test.

Next story, this guy doesn't want to be mentioned. He says, "this is a particular lady, her name is L........., she sent a message that she needed models for a calendar job. I went there with some friends to Ikeja. On getting there, she had on ground a makeup artiste and a photographer, we thought it was a casting. She took our pictures and said she will get back to all of us. Then she used the pictures without paying us or calling us back. This happened 2 years ago. Fast forward now, she added some models to a group and tried to extort them too. She said a beauty brand was going to organize a fashion show and each model is to pay 2000naira to participate in the fashion show. I blew her cover and she removed everyone from the group." Smart one girl, smart one, you might be smart enough to use these models pictures without paying royalties, but you can't be smart enough to erase your name and your act from their memories. You see how you were busted. Now everyone knows the story of how you cheated other models by not paying them but using their pictures without acknowledgement. Old habits never die hard. You even had the guts to tell models to pay to participate for a fashion show?? Sooner or later, karma will serve you what you deserve.

Next story, she also doesn't want her name mentioned. She says, "a guy asked me to pay a sum of 14,000naira to join his agency, I paid. When he demanded for more, I realized it was scam. "

Well the next person has no experience, but she had something to say generally about modelling agencies.  "Mmmm No, the only thing i can say about that is there are some agencies that will ask you to register with them with an huge amount of money with the promise and assurance that you will get jobs. Although you get the jobs, what they get for you are free jobs and at the end, you become stranded. Please if  you can help with that, let them know that we models are not  slaves. Like me, am only following what my mother always tell me. My mother will say "my daughter don't look at the money but look forward to the fame, when fame comes, money will follow." I actually left my former agency on d same issue. Some agent use their models 4 free. People who see my pictures on Facebook always think I am a very rich girl, in school, they think am one of the richest babe on campus, thanks to my pictures and shows i have done. Though I am OK, but I am not what they think I am. So please, you can help us talk more about that. Maybe some agents will stop molesting their models all in d name of being famous. Thanks.

Another model Tobi had something to say. She has no experience but she gave advice to models generally. "Oh well, they are everywhere now and because these people know that a lot of girls want to be models now, they mostly are found in castings trying to entice young new girls to or calling out to models for fake jobs with catchy pays. Most girls fall into these traps because they have no clue on how modelling is yet. So they pay some sort of form or shoot money and stuffs. This applies more to Commercial jobs. A lot of girls want to be on billboards and tv screens. They are induced into paying some amount of money and also having to do stupid stuffs and at the end of the day, it's either fake or they don't get the jobs.

The next experience left me bewildered. Of all the experiences i have been writing here since, you guys should take note of this particular one. I'm not going to mention this person's name. She says, "the man's name is ....., his agency is at Masha, Surulere. I got a bc from a friend and she told me that there will be a show in Calabar and that ushers are needed. Ushers will be paid 70,000naira after the job, the job is for 3 days, feeding and accommodation will be taken care of. I told a friend of mine and she said she is interested. We both went for the audition, we were picked and we were told to pay 5000naira each because we were not under the agency. We paid the money. On the day we were supposed to travel, the man refused to pick his calls. We went to his so called office, it was locked. We contacted other models who were picked and we were told the man tried to sleep with two other girls in his office, he had his way with one of them. We didn't get our money back and we did not do the job. I called the girl that works with the man, she didn't pick her calls and she deleted me off bbm."  Ladies be very careful, especially when it comes to ushering job. I have friends that do ushering jobs. They told me their are two types of ushering jobs, the cheaps ones between the range of 5000naira to lets say 15000naira and the ones with expensive pays which are like 30,000naira upwards. According to them, for the cheap ones, you do your job, collect your money after the job and go home, some supervisors even warn you not to flirt with the guests or even give them your numbers, you should be disciplined. The second type involves the happy hour, after the job, you are required to follow some of the guests home or something before you can be paid. I have never done ushering jobs, so I dont know how true this is. I heard this from two friends who do ushering jobs. Any ushering jobs that involves me travelling, i dont think i can do it especially if I'm knowing the person for the first time. What if (God forbid) they are ritualist or kidnappers or worse still there is an accident on the way. As an usher, only travel for jobs that is provided for by the agency you are under, dont just travel because the money invoved is much. I feel so much pity for the girl who was raped. She might not be able to forgive herself. This also applies to modelling, any job that requires you travelling, makes sure it is provided by your agency, if it is not by your agency, inform your agency, let them do the necessary investigations, that is one of the duties owed to you by them, having your best interest at heart. Be smart, protect yourself, there are too many evil doers in Nigeria, watch and pray.

To crown it all, there was also this news that laila's blog carried about some ladies who sent her emails that they were scammed and duped by persons parading themselves as top models signed under the popular agency Modella Couture.  i actually saw the warning message that the real Modella couture agency put up on Facebook telling people to beware of scammers using their name to dupe unsuspecting models. I'm going to summarize the story, the two individuals cum fraudsters are known as Susan/Sharon and Ashbury. Susan/Sharon changes her name after every successful attempt to dupe a model. They contact you on facebook that they are top models under Modella Couture and that their is this Glo contract coming soon worth 473,000 and you are asked to pay upfront fees totalling 80,000naira, you pay to a director's personal account. According to them, the reason why they are not doing the job is because they are top models that are bigger than the jobs and that the unsuspecting models are being recruited to the agency to do the jobs and that the directors do not know that they are being recruited. After that, they ask you to come and pose naked for a shoot to test your skin. To cut the long story short, they ask you to bring your friends along to build your profile, they even ask you to sleep with them and try to collect more money from you. They sound very convincing. so many girls have fallen into their traps and tricks, they have been exploited sexually and financially. These girls later googled Modella Couture and found out it was all fraud. If you want to know more, just check google.

OK I think I should wrap it up here, this post is getting too long. Next post, I am going to talk about how to spot this fake agencies and I'm also trying to compile a list of modelling agencies in Nigeria and their contact info because I have been getting so many messages from models asking me about agencies they can join. So in my next post I'm going to talk about modelling agencies, paying agency fees, how to spot and avoid fake agencies and a list and contact information of modelling agencies in Nigeria you can join. So I want you guys to learn from today's post and be smarter than you were before.

photo source: Model Mayhem

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Modelling is not Glamorous, says model Manon Leloup

A French model gives an insight on what modelling is or entails in contrast to what people generally believe that modelling is glamorous. This is for those who intend to go outside the country to pursue their modelling career. If you are such model, you have to brace yourself and be prepared because modelling is not an easy job.

 Model Manon Leloup worked in front of and behind the camera for her debut documentary Speaking Dolls. Like many of those before her, including model Sara Ziff, the French model attempts to shed light on the reality of what many assume is a highly-glamorous job. What you get is a 54-minute first-hand account of the seemingly exhausting marathon of Fashion Week—which actually lasts four weeks. From New York to Paris, these models trek around each city, spending endless hours in castings. Then, if they're lucky (which in their case, they are very lucky), they move on to fittings, hair and makeup, and rehearsals for the grand finale—the live runway show for top designers like Prabal Gurung, Dolce & Gabbana and Dior. Leloup and friends, who have been hot on the modelling scene for the last two years now, take us through their journey, speaking openly about their concerns regarding longevity, competing against the new girls, and how they deal with life on the go. Below, we rounded up some of the main takeaways from Leloup's insightful documentary.

1) Every season is a new start. Popular runway models have to go on castings each season, even if they walked in the same designer's show six months prior. Each season new girls arrive, and the veterans must compete against the fresh faces—which makes them feel that their in-demand status could change overnight.

2) Models rarely have a place of their own to call home. With demanding schedules and constant traveling, new models can go an entire year without having their own home, instead living out of hotels and model apartments. Without a parent by their side, the loneliness can be very challenging.

3) New York and Paris can be the most stressful. Models feel the most pressure to be cast in the best shows in these cities.

4) There are different standards of thin. An agent in New York may tell you to lose a few pounds, but in Paris they may think you look too skinny—and that can put your job in jeopardy.

5) Fashion Week feels like school. Each fashion show is a class and the designers are the teachers. After spending so much time together, models form long-lasting friendships with their fellow cat walkers, who also serve as a support system.

6) Ultimately, it's the model's choice. They choose this job for the opportunities it affords them, but they want to be viewed as more than just the girls who wear clothes on the runway: they want to be personalities. The job makes them feel like they are actors and dancers in a role, and modelling is a form of expression and escape for them.

Source: Harper's Bazaar

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Nigeria's Next Super Model Casting Dates

For all those who have been waiting, finally your wait is over. Organisers of one of the biggest modelling competitions in Nigeria, The Nigeria's Next Super Model just released casting information.

Date: 17th October 2015
Time: 2:00 pm
Venue: Studio 24, 121 Awolowo road Ikoyi Lagos

Interested female contestants are required to come along wearing a white tank top, bum shorts with heels whlie male contestants are required to be in black jeans and white t-shirts. For you to be eligible for the casting, you are required to register online on NNSM website www.nigeriasnextsupermodel.org and pay a registration fee of 5000 naira online or alternatively you can get registration forms from Erigks Modelling Agency by calling this number 08022775777.

Highlights of the Elite Model Look Nigeria 2015 Competition

The Elite Model Look Nigeria 2015 competition was on Sunday the 13th and ModelsDiarys was there to bring you the highlight of the show.
The show started like some minutes past nine with the hosts introducing themselves. Female contestants came out strutting the runway in AD by Agbani Darego while the male contestants came out dancing to Jidenna's classic man.

Then the female contestants came out one after the other in Elite tops and shorts holding Aquafina bottles while the hosts introduced them. Funmi, Aduke, Erezi, Konum, Adewodu, Pauline, Seun, Susan, Ugochi, Vanessa came out in that order while for the male contestants Andrew, Vine, Damilola, Daniel, Promel, Michael, Seun, Tobi, Tolani, Brian. Then after that, all the models both male and female came out on stage, uncork the aquafina bottles, chorus purity guaranteed, drank the bottle of water then they went backstage.

The judges were introduced which were:
(1.) Agbani Darego: former Most Beautiful girl in Nigeria and Miss World 2001.
(2.) Ezinne Chinkata: a stylist and ceo of Zinkata
(3.) Lakin Ogunbamwo: a photographer
(4.) Bola Balogun
(5.) Norden Thursten

Shaydee steps on stage for a performance of his own part of ‘Murda’ he sang alongside Patoranking and Seyi Shay. Later the female contestants strut the runway dressed in Meena while the male contestants follow suit dressed in POC.
 Toni Tones comes out on stage to perform a song titled ‘Hey Boy.’ The male contestants step out in their swimwear while she performed. Female contestants followed suit in their swimwear by Andrea Iyamah. After that, the male contestants strut the runway in design by Nelson Jack. Female contestants followed suit and strut the runway in Gozel Green. A beautiful performance by Sisano productions headed by Paola who is a dancer and also a designer.
After the performance, the male contestants strut the runway in Morafa, an upcoming designer. Female contestants step out in Sunny Rose.
 Then there was the style awards for the most well dressed and stylish guests. Jide who is also known as J reason, a stylist and make up artiste and Somkele Iyamah who acted in a Nigerian soap opera ‘gidi up' won the style awards and were given a gift pack courtesy of one of the sponsors of The Elite Model Look “Veuve Cliquot.”
The 2014 winners Victor Ndigwe and Mayowa Nicholas were called on stage and asked questions and were told to do their final walk. Then a video presentation of both previous winners was projected.
 Male contestants come out on the runway once again in Orange Culture.
The top five male and female contestants were announced
Top 5 Male finalists
(1.) Tolani
(2.) Andrew
(3.) Tobi
(4.) Damilola
(5.) Carmil

Top 5 Female finalists
(1.) Erezi
(2.) Funmilayo
(3.) Pauline
(4.) Ugochi
(5.) Susan
The top 10 finalists were asked to go back stage while a video presentation of the Elite contestants in the boot camp was played on the projector.
Then a last performance by Nigerian RnB singer Banky W. The top 10 finalists with the female contestants dressed in Tiffany Amber did their last walk. The top 5 male contestants come out on stage and the winner was announced which is Damilola. The top 5 female contestants were also called on stage and Funmi (the crowd's favourite) is announced winner.
So the winners of the Elite Model Look 2015 Competition are Funmi Akinjuola and Damilola Okunola.

Photo source: BellaNaija

Saturday 12 September 2015

Model of the Month_Tolu Balogun

Good morning everyone, meet our Model of the Month Tolu Balogun.

My name is Tolulope Balogun, I am from Lagos, Nigeria.  I started modelling at the age of 15.

I have participated in various fashion shows and competitions in Nigeria. I emerged the winner of a competition tagged Dare2Dream by Kinabuti. I am currently the Face of First City Monument Bank (youth segment). My greatest accomplishment was being a part of the Dare2Dream project.

Apart from it being a model search, it also focused on youth empowerment. This gave me a platform to not only work on being a top model, but also work on being a renowned entrepreneur. The project also gave me an opportunity to work with my dream fashion brand, Kinabuti.

Kinabuti is an ethical driven fashion label in Lagos, Nigeria managed by Italian women. It is also a fashion initiative aimed at empowering the youth. I am a determined model and I would hit the ground running.

Height: 5"11
Bust: 31
Waist: 24
Hips: 33
Dress size: 6
Shoe size: 40
Hair: black

Friday 11 September 2015

Meet male model Adeniran Olamilekan

Hello everyone. Please meet male model Adeniran Olamile

My name is Adeniran Olamilekan. Am an upcoming model and Actor. I was born on the 3rd of March 1995

 Am an editorial model I will also love to be on the runway too if 5:11ft is allowed. Fashionista and top models like Sean O'pry and Tyson Beckford inspired my modelling Career. I fell in love with modelling way back 8years. I accompanied a friend of mine to a shoot were I had the opportunity to meet some photographers. I reached out to the photographers on set, which includes Kayode Aliyu,and Nwach Kwu Davichy (selfie photography works).
This shoot is tagged: THE RETURN OF A COWBOY, styled by the photographer DAVICHY and I. A big shout to Michael Bassey who helped push start my Modelling career with his ithink concept #THE MODEL WORKSHOP

Connect with Adeniran on his social media platforms.

Adeywealth Olarmelaykon : FB
Adeywealthofficial :Instagram
Adeywealth_O : Twitter

Monday 7 September 2015

Nigerian Models Are Not Slaves, We Are Special Beings 2

Hello Everyone, guess who is back again. hope you all are doing good? Not had time to post recently, but yay!! I'm back.
I hope you guys learnt from my last post and gained something meaningful. This post is actually a continuation of my last post. Basically I'm going to talk about how models can work together and individually to change how we are being treated in Nigeria. My suggestion is open to more suggestions so please drop your comments or send a mail to modelsdiarys@gmail.com. 

I believe we models in Nigeria are being cheated on and treated unfairly for years now. Many models have different stories to tell when it comes to that. The last model's workshop I attended, one of the facilitators was talking about this problem most models face in Nigeria and said there is a plan to create a union, there were so many attempts in the past. Really I believe we don’t have to wait to create a union, we can bring that change to ourselves starting from each model individually. So due to the rush work I did when writing my last post, I'm going to expatiate more on my last post and probably profer solutions and give suggestions.

(1.) We models in Nigeria should create a forum were we can all come together and talk about the problems facing the modelling industry. This forum can be in form of a community, a meeting or any other way. We put heads together, bring up suggestion and discussion, set out our terms and conditions in clear terms and distribute a circular to the relevant stakeholders involved. This way, we can make a headway.

(2.) Models should go on strike(if you all feel it is a good idea). The Nigerian Labour Congress when they want to pass across a message as to certain issues, after discussions with the relevant bodies in charge and their needs are not met, they go on industrial strikes. We as models are part of the labour force in Nigeria, we are guaranteed the freedom to peaceful protest and industrial action under the 1999 constitution(talking like a lawyer already). We should all come together and agree cooperate not to work for a month. This way, the relevant stakeholders will feel our impact and know our worth. The fashion designers who treat you and talk to you anyhow they want because they feel they are doing you a favour by letting you wear their outfit will treat you nicely, the agency you are signed with who are not representing you well and cheating you because they feel they are doing you a favour getting you these jobs and giving you such ridiculous amount of money, will start treating you nicely, fashion shows who get you all worked up like a horse despite the fact that they are paying you so little will even send you an apology letter for treating you the way they did. This strike I'm talking about is about passing across a message to the relevant bodies that we models deserves to be treated right because we are also human beings with feelings, needs and emotions. They won't like it if they are being treated the way they treat us. We models have a right not to be discriminated on the basis of circumstances but we have a right to equal treatment.

(3.) As a model, you need to have the right mind-set. The message I'm trying to pass across to you is that be positive in everything you do. Remove all negative energy around you. I go to a church were we are taught positivity, everything you say to yourself and you think of is what will happen to you. For example, if someone tells you that being a model in Nigeria is hard, you will be paid little compared to the work you do, you will face so many challenges as a model in Nigeria, which is true, but a model with a positive mind-set won't go back home and start thinking ‘ahhh, someone told me that modelling in Nigeria is hard, ahhh someone told me that I may not make it as a model, ahha someone told me as a model in Nigeria, I will be paid little, can I make it as a model like this?? My dear you might not make it oooo with that type of mind-set because modelling is not for the faint hearted. A model with a positive mind-set will go home, think about modelling in Nigeria in a positive way, will say to himself although it is true that modelling in Nigeria is hard, I will make it if I just push and work harder, a model with a positive mind-set will go home and make a plan on ways he can break barriers. A model with a positive mind-set will go home and look for ways to prepare himself for the challenges he might face. A very popular example my pastor cites is that, you hear in the news that the price of dollar has increased, the economy of Nigeria will soon crash(God forbid), there is low demand for oil in the international market etc. As a model, how those that affect you and your work?? How does low demand for crude oil in the international market affect you?? But you know some models, they will think about this matter even more than the government who it concerns, they will take paracetamol for someone else's headache. What they don't know is that the more they think about it, they have the mind-set already and it starts manifesting in their life. Such model will go around with this mind-set that 'ah since the economic situation in Nigeria is really bad and these are hard times, money is hard to find, let me just manage this 5k this guy is offering me for the job at least it is still something. If you go on in life with this kind of mind-set, all your life, you will be a kobo kobo model. See Bolu Benson, he said he has never done a free or mediocre job before, that is because he had the right mind-set, set the goal and now he is a top model. Let us say he too was among the category of models who believe let me do free jobs jare, the economic situation is hard, do you think he will be where he is now? And can you see how the mind-set is manifesting positively in his life, he has been rejected for a modelling job just once. Do you guys get my point.

(4.)Set your standards. Two years ago when my passion for modelling was still hot(it is still hot tho). I met this lady who is also a model and who always encouraged me and gave me that moral support even when so many models tell me I may not make it as a model. She gave me some advice generally and one of such advice is as a model, you need to have standards. Do not let anyone force you into doing what you don't want to do. As models in Nigeria, we need to set our/a standard individually and as a group. One of the main problem in the modelling industry is that there are more models who want to work for free than those who want to be paid well for the work they do which shouldn't be so. We are adults, we shouldn't let anyone take advantage of us and use us the way they like. If we set our standards as models collectively, I think we will be taken seriously. Let us have our own laws, let us have our rules and regulations, let us have our terms and conditions which every one who wants to work with us abide with. It is high time we started working professionally. We can start by agreeing collectively that no model in Nigeria shall accept less than 20,000 naira for a job depending on the client and work. We can agree as models in Nigeria that we are not doing free or cheap jobs again. Then models individually should agree that OK, since this is the limit set my models, let me up the ante a little bit, let me charge this amount for this job. If you are signed under an agency, talk to your agent, tell them this is what you set for yourself, tell them to support you because you guys are helping each other. An agent who has your interest at heart will support your decision. I'm not saying you should go and meet your agent that as from now on, you want to be paid 100,000 for every job. Just set a meeting with your agent and tell them ‘I have decided that as from now on, the least I will be collecting for any job as a model is 30,000’. Or in a better way, every other model who you are signed under the same agency with, call them together, have a meeting, you guys should set your standards and pass it on to your agency collectively. But you know the annoying thing about some models, after reading this they will still be satisfied with that 5,000 job they are doing because they believe if they don’t, there are 50 other models that will accept the job joyfully. Must you be that type of model?? Don’t you need money to create your portfolio?? Don’t you need money to take care of yourself?? Don’t you want to make millions out of modelling?? Don’t you have plans for the future?? if you are that type of model please shift and don’t transfer your ill luck on serious models who want to make money and get paid for the job. You guys should know that modelling is a career, a profession, it is not a hobby, you should get paid for what you do. That is the difference between a profession and a hobby. It is only models who see modelling as an hobby to do for fun that will settle for less than they deserve. If you belong to that category of models, this post is not meant for you. I'm talking to models who are tired of given a choice of either doing a free job or letting the next person do it. As a model in Nigeria, set your standard, let people see you as a model who should not be taken for granted. Be a bankable model not a kobo kobo model. Let people see you as a model that although she takes her modelling career seriously, she as well doesn't joke with her money. This also applies to having the right mind-set. As a model, as from today after reading this post, say to yourself 'as from now on I won't collect less than so so so so for this job.' When anyone approaches you for a cheap or free job, tell them ‘no, I cannot collect such amount you are offering me, this is how much I charge, I can’t settle for less, if you think I’m too expensive and you cant afford me, please kindly ask another model'. Hold up a sec tho, I'm not saying that a photographer approaches you for a shoot and you charge exorbitant prices. Please don't oooo. Photographers have really helped so many models in Nigeria, so be nicer because not only you get the chance of doing a shoot without paying a dime, you get your pictures which you add to your portfolio. So please do not charge photographers too much when they ask you to come shoot with you. For upcoming models, don't ask a photographer to pay you when he approaches you for  shoot. Subsequently, you start asking for pay because an upcoming model, whether you like it or not, a photographer is needed to kick-start your career.

(5.) Do not be a fool. Have you guys noticed the new trend, where you are asked to come and register to work for a show. Two years ago, I fell to that kind of trick. There was this fashion show coming up, and the organiser, told us to pay 1k each to register for the job. After paying the 1k, we were asked to audition for the job. At the end of the day, less than half of the models who paid were not picked. We were been swindled of our hard earned money. This person I’m talking about is kind of popular. He owns an agency, a magazine, the name of the magazine starts with the letter C, his own name starts with letter N. The name of the fashion show starts with G. If you are reading this, don’t think I have not forgotten how you made me part with my 1000naira in the hopes that I will get the job. Hmmmm, there are so many models who were even asked to pay and even paid more than that. If you are one of these models, once bitten, twice shy, ‘open ya eyes', this is Nigeria, everyone is looking for ways to make money and one of such ways is through fraud. This is 2015, open your eyes wide. This year, a fashion show asked models to come and pay 2000naira for registration. I called the fashion show organiser even though I wasn’t interested in doing the job that why I’m I paying to work for you. He said there are so many benefits attached to working for the show. He said Beth Model Management and Isis Model Management are going to be there to scout for models of which if I had even called Mrs Joan Okorodudu then to ask her if it is true she is going to be at so so so fashion show to scout for models, she might not be aware of that, but there was no need doing that. The gist of what I’m saying is not to pay to work for any show. They should pay you, not the other way round. Don’t say ‘let me do it so I can get the pictures’(very common slang we models enjoy using), do you know as a model, you need to do a new shoot every 3 to 4 months. The pictures will expire, then you will be left with nothing but pains in your legs and no money in your wallet while the organisers are smiling all the way to the bank and even call you fools on top the money you paid. Please be sharp and smart. You are not an NGO, you are a model and as a model take your work seriously so people will take you seriously.

I think that will be all for now, thanks for reading till the end even though the post is quite long. There is an audition today at 7 salvation road Opebi, Ikeja, Lagos by 9:30am. Please be there. Watch out for my subsequent post. Thanks.

Photo source: urbanrocnigeria.