Konga Verified Blogger

Thursday 11 June 2015


Good morning models, it is with enthusiasm I announce to you that I changed my blog's name from fabfairies to modelsdiarys. I feel the name modelsdiarys will be catchy and is more all encompassing for the kind of post on my blog. So please bear with me and I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Please for faithful fabfairies readers, note that the new URL is now modelsdiarys.blogspot.com

Thank you all for reading and supporting me in every little way. Please keep reading, sharing and commenting, also if you have and inquiries and articles to share, feel free to send a mail to ifeling3@gmail.com📝✉(trying to change fabfairies email too). I love you.

P.S. the model's workshop is next week,⏳ the venue has been changed to university of Lagos, Education Auditorium. get your forms and register. www.themodelsworkshop.com.ng

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