Konga Verified Blogger

Tuesday 23 June 2015


Good morning models, how are you all doing.
Like in my previous post, I talked about the model's workshop which went well and how the discussions therein could add value to the career of a model, both aspiring and professional. I was however reluctant to give highlights of the event because I felt it would be unfair to those that registered for the event but the thing is these models had the opportunity to see the facilitators one on one, asked questions, interact with them and even got certificate of participation. So they still have an edge over y'all that did not attend.
The facilitators were amazing and fantastic and they really impacted so much on the models.

Uju Nwobodoh Marshal

Uju is a Nigeria top model. This tall and dark beauty was Lagos Fashion and Design Week 2013 model of the year. She has strut the runway of so many big fashion shows and has worked alongside top Nigeria designers.

Uju spoke on the topic Talent: Identification, Development and Management. She admonished us to identify our passion, that can our passion stand challenges. She went further to distinguish between ushering and modelling, they are not the same, they are two parallel lines. She told us to make up our minds if that is what we want to do and work hard to achieve this. After that, make time to train and build yourself to become a model
 She went ahead to talk about herself. She said she is a very shy person and not wanting to be a model. She started her research and collated about 50 magazines. She said modelling is not something you have to wait for someone to come and help you, you have to build and help yourself before someone can help you. Do not sit and believe everything one says, probably someone tells you that you are tall, pretty and skinny and you are good to go as a model, you have to build yourself to be discovered. As an aspiring model, don't start with being all about the money, build yourself first. When a photographer comes to meet you for a shoot, as an aspiring model, do not ask for pay. You have to build yourself to get to that point where you start asking for pay.
Then she advised us as models to eat right and exercise. It is not about you eating anyhow and not becoming fat, it is about strength and flexibility. As a model, you should know what to eat and when to eat. Do a lot of Yoga, it helps with flexibility.

As a model, you have to know how to deliver, if you are signed under an agency and you don't get jobs, the agency after the expiration of your contract will drop you and won't bother renewing your contract. To be signed under an agency is one thing, to get jobs is another, being sent to castings by your agency doesn't guarantee you getting the job. As a model, you have to be smart. Prepare ahead of your casting.
When you are going for a photoshoot, you ask for the theme and story behind the shoot. Your sense should work with the photographer, be able to communicate with the photographer. Models should learn to research because fashion changes. Models should build their look, believe in your self and be confident, no one is nice in this industry.
She told has that we have to be strong that when she first started as a model, few people believed in her, she got horrible comments from people, but she never gave up.
There are certain ways one should dress to a casting, because model scouts could be present at the casting, you never know who is watching or coming. Take intakes that will help your skin and look.
She dispelled the common notion that when you get to a certain age as a model, you have to stop modelling. She said as long as you look young, you can go on modelling as long as you want.
She emphasized on the fact that modelling is a profession and not a hobby, you have to take it serious. You should not let your modelling career conflict with your school work or education, it is either you are not in school or done with school. Try not to let people deceive you, do not fall into flattery. Try to reconsider this passion of yours.

Mr Ovo Ogufure


The next facilitator is the C.E.O of XA modelling agency, Mr Ovo Ogufure. He talked about 'Requirement of a Successful Model Personality.

He says as a model, you look out for other successful who has towed the path.
You have to be sociable, take steps to interact with people and meet people within the industry. Be memorable. Identify your unique selling point. He emphasized on doing researches. Be confident, have a good level of confidence and build your self esteem. Always have presence, try to be noticed and have charisma. He talked about new trends where brands use celebs and not models to represent their brands. this is not supposed to be so.

Develop your sense of style. Develop your model image. Watch your body structure. As a model, be mysterious, do not be found here and there. If you want to take nude shots, let it be don't artistically. On the runway, leave when the ovation is loudest, do not strike a pose more than three seconds.
During the question session, someone asked about height, Mr Ovo said every shouldn't necessarily be a fashion model, there are other types of modelling one can try out, irrespective of requirements however, there should be your selling point that distinguishes you and makes you prominent.

This is the first part of the session, i will post more ASAP. cheers

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