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Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Model's Workshop 2015 Highlights - Session 2

Good morning models, hope your day is going well. I can see you enjoyed yesterday's piece of the model's workshop. Keep reading, learn and please share. The facilitators i'm going to talk about are:

Tamar Awobotu and Fome Ejumudo
Tamar is a Nigerian model based in South Africa. She is a Tourism Ambassador. Miss Tourism 2004. Winner Top Model Worldwide.
Tamar Awobotu

She alongside Fome Ejumudo talked about 'international modelling business.' Fome Ejumudo is also a model based in South Africa. She is also a mother of one and TV presenter.
Fome Ejumudo

Miss Tamar was the first to talk. She talked about the industry being generational and how she has been modelling for 14 years now.
She talked about the appearance of a model. She said it is not about being tall, skinny, beautiful, we should not be deceived by the looks. The calling needs to keep coming. She said models should be neat all the time and natural as possible. Models shouldn't wear coloured hair or fix coloured nails. As a model, do not wear heavy makeup, models should be very clean and plain all the time. As for male models, you shouldn't wear  hairstyles like dreads or keep bushy breads.

 She also talked about poise, there is a way models should sit, walk, stand, models should also have charisma because most people see models as call girls.

She also said as a model, you should not answer every photographer that approaches you. There should be a contract with the photographer that he should keep the pictures as confidential so in case of conflict, he doesn't end up putting the pictures everywhere.

As a model, don't try so hard to show you are a model, people will see it in you. As a model, you need to learn the hard way, sometimes you get a no, its not everytime you get a yes. You should take good care of yourself, be confident, know who you are. Try and start from somewhere.

Mrs Fome continued from there. She said for international modelling business, there are no hard and fast rules. What works for one may not work for the other.

She talked about modelling in South Africa especially Capetown. Capetown is a more international business place for models in Africa because models from allover the world come there to work. Models in a bid to make it in their career go to capetown to do shoots and add to their portfolios. You need to do your homework and research.
She told us a little about herself, she said when she first moved to South Africa to kick start her modelling career over there, she waited for a long time to be scouted. Then one day, she went out and stopped waiting to be scouted. If you have a passion, you have to go out, explore and be known.

She went ahead to talk about challenges:
The number one as we all know is rejection. The fact that you are being turned down for a job doesn't mean you are not good enough, it means you do not fit the brief. Models take note. Every job or casting as a brief or description. With time, you will get used to the rejection.

The second is fending for yourself while modelling abroad. Before you say you want to model abroad, you have to think about it, do your homework and research about the place you are willing to go model. It takes three months to get paid for a job abroad, within the three months, how do you want to cope and fend for yourself? Also where do you want to stay, do you know how much rent cost? how are you going to pay your rent abroad? How do you get money for transportation to go for castings? This is were a good agency under which you are signed comes in. A good agency will give you money to go for your casting but will when your pay eventually comes remove the money from your pay. All these, you need to consider.

The major international modelling markets in the United States are new York which is the main, Miami, Florida, L.A.e.t.c. In Europe, they are London, Italy, Milan, Paris. It is a competitive market, so you need to be full of self-confidence. Don't listen to people's stories or experiences, try it out yourself.

She advised that if you intend to model abroad, you should try South Africa first. When you get to South Africa, try Johanaesburg. There, modelling is fair and sometimes there are slow seasons, then later on, you should move to cape town. Capetown is a good place for modelling, there are jobs available. Either way, do your researches.

She also advised we models to make ourselves a brand. Modelling in a way is related to acting, entertainment, music, start something related. Gain experience and make yourself a brand. You also need to equip yourself with education. It is better you work locally before you work internationally.

 For modelling abroad, you need to sign under an agency, this is because modelling abroad is well structured unlike here in Nigeria where you can choose not to sign under an agency or you can sign under more than one agency. She also talked about agencies bargaining on your behalf. An agency is to make sure you don't use more than the hours you are supposed to shoot or work for a job and so on like that.

That brings us to the end of this session. Join Models diarys bbm channel C001A0EE9.

If you enjoyed the model's workshop piece I have been posting so far please, please, please I beg you please nominate The Model's workshop Season2 as west african fashion event of the year category  webxpresstech.com/WAFA/nomination.php Thank you as you do so.

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