Konga Verified Blogger

Saturday 20 June 2015

The Model's Workshop

The models workshop Nigeria was da bomb. A big shout out to the organisers and facilitators. If you were not there, you missed a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Talks and discussions from seasoned professionals in the fashion, beauty, modelling and photography industry was the other of the day. Facilitators that you ordinarily won't see in real life except by chance were there to talk to the models.

I wasn't there as a participant, but as press and oh God, I learnt so much. What I learnt, I'm going to be sharing just a bit on my blog very soon. So watch out. AThe models workshop Nigeria was da bomb. If you were not there, you missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. Talks and discussions from seasoned professional in the fashion, beauty, modelling and photography industry was the other of the day. Facilitators that you ordinarily won't see in real life except by chance were there to talk to the models. I wasn't there as a participant, but as press and oh God, I learnt so much. What I learnt, I'm going to be sharing just a bit on my blog very soon. So watch out.

And once again, models if you were not there, you missed. Registration was just 3000 and the kind of stuff participants learnt was more than 3000. Models instead of giving your monies to non existence agencies and being a victim of fraud to fraudulent individuals, you should have just been there yourself too see and learn the pros and cons of modelling. That's all about that. More info coming to you soon. Mwahhhh

I'm glad to announce that modelsdiarys now has a bbm channel, Please join Modelsdiarys channel for updates on the go C001A0EE9. Also follow us on instagram @modelsdiarys and facebook www.facebook.com/modelsdiarys. Thanks

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